Dec 19, 2023

living is a test


"living is a test of my character that I try to get a 100% on, but life is a test that you cant get 100% on, and in the opinions of others you'll be lucky to score higher then a 50%.. that's just what comes with having to experience the thoughts of other people. but still I Try" - Lou

Jan 14, 2011

New Logo as promised!

Finally finished designing one of the pieces for the next project. new logo.  Next thing up is the new web site. #AllLouEverything.

first draft

second draft

Next up is the new web site. B4 the end of the month, it will be up, actually finishing the design myself so it takes time! vlah

Dec 1, 2010

Can you spot Vincent in this picture?

once he is seen, it cant be unseen (whatever that means)

I bet you never thought you were this bless.

Nov 30, 2010

Vid: Louchiano Speaks on the meaning of "Vlah"